ALL ABOARD! Here’s Where You Can Ride A Train In Minnesota
Riding the rails takes on new meaning in the state of Minnesota with past generations moving forward to more conventional forms of travel.
Think of train travel as the largest Lyft or Uber ever!
Throughout Minnesota, you will find several scenic opportunities for train travel.

From fun family, adventures to more personal dining tours are very popular.
North Shore Scenic Railroad - Board the Duluth Zephyr for a 75-minute tour on the shoreline of Lake Superior. The Music & Pizza train takes you along the popular North Shore for a 2-1/2 trip Wednesdays through Saturdays. For longer travel, there is the Two Harbors Turn full-day excursion.
Train Ride to Dresser - This is the ultimate in nostalgia where passengers are treated to excursions from St. Paul to Osceola, Wisconsin. It all begins at the historic Jackson Street Roundhouse.
Light Rail METRO Blue Line & Green Line - Mapped to cover Minneapolis and St. Paul with dozens of dedicated stations, the Light Rail is the most convenient way for commuters to navigate the Twin Cities. From Target Field to the Mall of America. Map
Amtrak-The Empire Builder - Service nationwide, trains run around the clock with service along the Mississippi River. From Winona to Detroit Lakes.
Another rail service is in the works for Minnesota. The Northern Lights Express has been proposed for a high-speed rail service between Minneapolis and Duluth.
The luxury trains that have been depicted on the big screen would have you believe it's life only for the elite like the Orient Express.
In a more unfortunate light, Unstoppable, The Taking of Pelham 123, Under Siege 2, and Ryan's Express come to mind.
If you have never experienced train travel, Minnesota is a great place to start.
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