Johnny Vincent, affectionately known as Johnny V, is a seasoned radio personality with a remarkable three-decade-long career in the industry. His journey in the world of broadcasting led him to Rockford in 2010, where he quickly made a name for himself on former radio station 101QFL, which later became K-Love. Johnny's outstanding contributions to the field were recognized when he received a prestigious Silver Dome Award from the Illinois Broadcasters Association in 2018. Johnny loves his Boston Terrier, Wrigley, and his devotion to the Chicago Cubs is unwavering. As the energetic host of "The Ride Home" on Q 98.5, Johnny brings a unique blend of charm, humor, local happenings, and country music to the airwaves, making him a cherished voice in the lives of many listeners around the Rockford region
Johnny V
3 Illinois Small Towns are Worst in US, Two Wisconsin Towns Rank Best
Discover which small towns in America made it to the top 1% based on livability factors in this new study by WalletHub!
This is Absolutely The Most Beautiful Lake in Wisconsin
Can you really determine what lake in the entire state of Wisconsin is the most beautiful? You've probably heard the saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
Illinois Landmark Named One of World’s Most Haunted Places
If you're terrified of being caught inside a building that's known to be haunted, you will definitely want to avoid some of these locations.
Why Are So Many Mexican Flags Flying Around Illinois and Wisconsin?
Local town buzzing with Mexican flag displays ahead of Tamale Fest 815 & Mexican Independence Day!
Here’s Everything to Know About ‘Flannel Jam’ at Hard Rock Live!
Experience the unforgettable vibes of Flannel Jam, a music festival giving back to St. Jude, Chicagoland Easterseals, and Rockford's Autism Program.
Illinois, Wisconsin Cities Are America’s Best for Buying Local Food
Uncover the top 50 cities in the U.S. for local food access. Illinois and Wisconsin shine, while cities in the Southwest and Alaska fall short due to limited options.
Rockford Suffers Violent Weekend: Two Shooting Incidents, Gun Arrests
Over Labor Day weekend, a series of violent incidents unfolded in Rockford. Shootings, arrests, and charges for unlawful weapon possession marred the weekend.
Illinois, Wisconsin Grocery Has America’s Worst Customer Service
Find out which Illinois and Wisconsin grocery stores stand out for exceptional customer service and quality products.
This Illinois City Was Just Named Ugliest in the Entire State
Explore the factors contributing to some cities being labeled as 'ugly' and how perceptions can differ among residents and tourists.
America’s Worst Fast Food Joint Has 18 Illinois Locations
When you can't make it to a grocery store and need something to eat fast, what are the best and worst options for a drive-through meal in the Stateline area?