Can You LEGALLY Sleep in Your Car in Wisconsin?
You can take a snooze, catch some Z's, however you want to word it, in your car in Wisconsin. BUT there is also a way to do this that will get you in a while lot of trouble. SMART
So you can snooze in your car in Wisconsin, legally...but only if your vehicle is parked legally. That makes sense right? I mean being parked illegally, is being parked illegally if you are asleep or not. BUT, here's another BUT to this...For no longer than 24 hours.
So what to do in Wisconsin if your car is approached by an officer that wakes you up from your snooze...Wake up, give him/her your license and registration. Makes total sense, right?
Now if you are asleep because you had a little too much to drink, this is another story. Even though your car is not moving, you are still in one place, you can still get an OWI operating under the influence while sleeping in your car.
There are no state and or federal laws that say you can't sleep in your car. But if you are napping at work in your car or a store parking lot, you will still be suspect to the police. Fact.
You might have been driving a long distance and need a little cat nap, no problem. Wisconsin seems to be a bit more cool with this than other states. In Florida for an example, if you are in the Florida Keys, it's a big no-no....But rest areas you can fall asleep in your car for up to three hours.
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