The I-74 Bridge in Bettendorf, IA, and Moline, IL, is an iconic structure that connects the two cities over the Mississippi River.

The construction of the new I-74 bridge began in 2017 and was recently completed in 2021.  However, for us Quad Citizens, if felt like it took even longer.

But thanks to Earthcam, this whole project can be seen from start to finish over just 1 minute.

Google Maps
Google Maps

A Brief History of the I-74 Bridge

The old I-74 bridge, which was constructed in the 1930s, was no longer able to accommodate the growing traffic demands of the QCA. As a result, a decision was made to build a new bridge to replace the old one. The new bridge is a cable-stayed structure that is supported by large pylons and features a modern design that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

And those, they're cool.

I-74 River Bridge Facebook
I-74 River Bridge Facebook

Interesting Facts about the I-74 Bridge:

  • The new I-74 bridge is over 100 feet taller than the old bridge, which allows for larger boats and barges to pass underneath.
  • The new bridge is wider than the old bridge and features a dedicated pedestrian and bicycle path.
  • The new bridge is designed to be more resilient and better able to withstand extreme weather conditions, such as high winds and severe storms.
Iowa Department of Transportation
Iowa Department of Transportation

Watch the New I-74 Bridge Be Built

EarthCam is a company that specializes in creating time-lapse videos of construction projects around the world, including the building of the I-74 bridge. Time-lapse videos are created by taking a series of still photos at set intervals over a period of time and then stitching them together to create a video that shows the progress of the project over time.

For Quad Citizens...this is a must-see.

Harrison Ford's Illinois Childhood Home

Before Harrison Ford became an A-list celebrity this famous actor grew up in Cook County, Illinois, went to  Park Ridge’s Maine East High School and graduated in 1960. This is where he lived a long long time ago in a suburb not so far far away.

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