Jury duty can be a hassle, trust me, I know. But it's an essential part of Illinois' justice system, or whatever state you're reading this in. However, if you're going to skip it you'd better have a valid reason and know what to do before not showing up after being summoned.

Here are a few wrong reasons for skipping your civic duty:


Sorry, but fighting crime isn't a valid excuse for skipping jury duty.


While many will sympathize with your allergies, we still need you to serve.


As much as we all love binge-watching shows, it's not a good enough excuse to skip jury duty.


How would you even respond to this one?


Your imaginary friend will understand but, if not, bring them along, nobody will know.

What Happens If Someone Doesn't Show Up To Jury Duty?

Whether the reason for not fulfilling jury duty responsibilities is a genuine reason or just because. failing to appear in court for a jury summons has serious consequences. Penalties are put in place to ensure that everyone takes their civic duty seriously and that the justice system can function effectively.

If you legitimately can not participate, you need to respond to a jury summons promptly and provide a good reason if unable to attend. Failing to comply with a jury summons can have serious consequences, and it is better to avoid them altogether by fulfilling the duty as required.

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According to federal law, any person summoned for jury duty who fails to appear as directed may be ordered by the district court to show cause for their non-compliance. If the person cannot provide a good reason for their failure to comply with the summons, they may face a fine of up to $1,000, imprisonment for not more than three days, order to perform community service, or any combination thereof.

All questions related to jury duty in Illinois can be found here.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

13 Stupid Illinois Laws

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