If you visited downtown Rochester, Minnesota the past few months, you probably noticed that we had a little gift of some free parking for a bit.  2 hours of free parking in the ramps to be exact.  Well, heads up, that gift is now gone.


Grab your extra quarters because 2-hour free parking is gone at Rochester ramps.

It's always good to have some extra quarters available if you are driving around Rochester and need to park downtown because rarely can you find a spot that is free.  I even had to pay for parking when my husband was in the hospital for a few weeks.  Every time I handed over a $20 I muffled under my breath, "I just paid for 3 CT scans but sure, go ahead and take more of my money."  I know that is Mayo Clinic and not the City of Rochester, but still, it seemed ridiculous.

Just in case you are planning on enjoying a day downtown, grab some extra cash and get ready to pay because the ramps with the City of Rochester are back to just 1 hour of free parking.

Posted very clearly on the City of Rochester website is the following:

"All parking sessions under two hours in public ramps are free through December 31st. 2021".


I did reach out to the City of Rochester just to verify that the 2-hour free parking was gone because I saw a few people say online that they still got 2 hours free.  When I hear back, I'll add their comments to this story and share the update on my Facebook page too - Jessica On The Radio.

Rochester parking ramp #6- Kim David, Townsquare Media
Rochester parking ramp #6- Kim David, Townsquare Media
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30 Things That People in Minnesota Hate About Winter

Are you a fan of the cold?  You know, the bitter, horrible cold that makes your bones hurt type of cold?  That's on the list of the 30 things that people in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin hate about the winter season.  If you are shaking your head and saying "yes!", you probably will find a few more reasons that you agree with too.  Look through the list below to see.

30 Things People in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin Hate About Winter

When you think of the Midwestern states like Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin, some people immediately think that we are freezing all the time. That's not 100% true, just about 56% true. In fact, being cold and freezing is something that most of us don't really appreciate about the winter months. That's not the only thing that we despise though. Check out the rest and see how may you give a thumbs up to.

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