City Of Duluth Needs Artists For Utility Box Wrap Art Program
Are you an artist who is looking for a place to display your work? The City Of Duluth is looking for you!
The Duluth Public Arts Commission (DPAC) has started a Utility Box Wrap Art Program. Under the program, artists can display their work on utility boxes that are located throughout Duluth.
You have until April 30 to complete your online submission. In the submission, you'll have to fill out an artist application, and also complete a Utility Cabinet Design Template. That will feature all five sides of the utility cabinet with artwork.
DPAC's goal is to enliven neighborhoods with positive imagery. They would like to see artwork that is memorable, positive, thought-provoking, enduring, and communicates a unique vision or perspective.
They want the artists to be local, residing within 25 miles of Duluth.

Some things will make you immediately ineligible for your submission if the artwork contains:
- Breach of intellectual property rights
- Trademarks, brand names, logos, copyrighted images
- Anything harmful to a third party
- majority of dark colors (because dark colors can cause the utility box to overheat)
- offensive text or images
City Of Duluth
DPAC will let the artists know within 60 days if their application has been accepted. Then, the artist will need to work with local vendors to create the wrap. Those include Elite Tinting & Graphics, Graphic FX Signworks, and Duluth Sign.
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