For decades, I've been going to the dentist, and I generally dread each visit, the picking and scrapping of the tools is enough to drive a person mad.

Not much has changed at the dental office over the years when it comes to the cleaning process, the hygienist digs in your mouth with metal tools, poking around and scrapping off plaque, it's all very uncomfortable and not fun. But I had some new technology used on me, that might make the experience better.

Let me make this clear, this is not an endorsement or ad, I just wanted to share my experience with this new tech just in case you run into it and are curious. It's called AirFlow and uses a fine spray of warm water and a fine powder to deep clean above and below the gums.


At the beginning of my appointment, my hygienist explained the new process and put a leaf shaped sucker in my mouth, as the process uses a lot of water, so having it sucked out constantly helps. A substance was put on my teeth, this instantly identifies the plaque on your teeth using the colors, pink, blue and purple, this helps direct the hygienist where to clean.

The process of cleaning the teeth was quick and chill, no scrapping or poking, just a lot of water mist spraying everywhere, a towel was place on my chest and the hygienist had to wipe water off my face a few times, put much better than the tools digging around in my mouth.


The powder used in the cleaning process is called Erythritol powder, it's essentially baking soda and silica, and once in a while I could taste a slight sugary taste, but it is basically tasteless, and I wouldn't have even known a powder was being used unless I was told.

So, if you run into this tech at your dental office, embrace it and enjoy the retirement of those terrible dental tools, you might actually enjoy getting your teeth cleaned.

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