If you live in Minnesota, stand up tall and pat yourself on the back. Evidently, we are pretty smart people. Visual Capitalist recently published a report showing what states were the smartest based on average IQ numbers and Minnesota is in the Top 10 list.
What is Considered a Good IQ Score?
Based on psychcentral.com, an average IQ score that most people have is somewhere between the range of 85 and 115. Scores that are higher than 130 are listed as "very superior". Scores that rank under 70 are considered "borderline impaired".
Top 10 Smartest States Based on IQ Includes Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin
One of the men considered to be the most intelligent of all time was Albert Einstein. While no formal test results have been shared with the public, Einstein's Intelligence Quotient was reportedly about 160.
The average IQ number for Minnesotans isn't anywhere close to what is suspected for Einstein, but our average did help land us in the Top 10 for smartest states.
Top 10 States with the Highest IQ's
Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio
Top 5 Dumbest States in the US
A lot of research has gone into finding out what states are the smartest as well as the dumbest. Roadsnacks is another place that dove into the stats and showcased Minnesota as one of the smartest states as well. In this case though, they based their rankings on the percentage of adults that don't have a high school diploma vs. those without a college degree.
Once again, Minnesota landed in the Top 10 of the smartest states on Roadsnacks list. See where we ranked here.

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Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio
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