Mayo Clinic Offering Three Covid Walk-In Vaccine Clinics
Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - Mayo Clinic is offering three opportunities to get a Covid shot in Rochester this coming week - without having to make an appointment.
The shots are available to anyone who hasn't been vaccinated yet.
Here is the schedule:
- Monday and Wednesday:
The clinic will be held in Phillips Hall on the first floor of the Siebens Building from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. - Thursday:
The clinic will be held in the lower level of the 41st Street Professional Building, 4115 West Frontage Road NW, from 1:30 to 5 p.m.
Available COVID-19 vaccines:
Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines will be used at the Phillips Hall clinics, both of which are for adults 18 and older.
J&J and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines will be used at the 41st Street clinic. The J&J is for adults 18 and older and the Pfizer is for 16 and older.
The J&J COVID-19 vaccine is given as one dose. However, the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines are given in two doses as a series. For Moderna, the second dose is given 28 days after the first and 21 days for Pfizer. If you receive these COVID-19 vaccines, you will need to schedule your second dose.
There are several ways to do that:
- Schedule your second dose as you leave the clinic.
- Call 507-538-4040 to see if a second dose appointment can be scheduled at Mayo Clinic in Rochester.
- Schedule your vaccination appointment using Patient Online Services.
- Patients from other parts of Minnesota can check vaccine availability using the state vaccine locator website when scheduling their second dose.
- Patients or visitors from out of state can check their state health department's COVID-19 vaccine site for a location near them.
Nurses administering these COVID-19 vaccines will explain side effects, risks and benefits.
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