New Laws for Illinois in 2023 That Affect All Drivers
A brand new year means many brand new laws. These are the new laws that will affect Illinois drivers of ALL ages.
New Illinois Driving Laws
If you hold an Illinois driver's license there are four laws going into effect that may impact you when paying penalties for violations to what happens if you get carjacked or your car is stolen.
These laws went into effect on January 1, 2023
SB03793: School Zone Changes

If you don't stop for a school bus when students are either getting on or off the bus, you can add community service to your list of penalties if you get caught. You'll also get community service if you're speeding in excess of 20 miles per hour.
RELATED: Illinois Parents Share Hilarious School Drop-Off Pet Peeves
SB03216: Clarifications to Illinois Vehicle Code
According to NBCChicago.com, the Illinois Vehicle Code has been amended to add that a licensed physical therapist "can verify that a person is a person with disabilities."
HB3772: Relief for Victims of Carjackings, Stolen Vehicles
I'm calling this new legislation the "foot removal law." Thank you, state of Illinois, for removing your foot from the a**es of any of us who could be the victim of a car-jacking or theft. Before this law, if someone had stolen your car and violated some other laws, you were responsible for any fees, fines, or penalties. The new law states:
[...] a person shall not be liable for violations, fees, fines, or penalties during the period in which the motor vehicle was reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency as stolen or hijacked.
The relief comes in the form of reimbursement. The example I read from NBC Chicago shared the fact that there are caps in terms of how much you can be reimbursed. If your stolen vehicle was impounded, the reimbursement maximum is $1,000.
RELATED: Most Bizzare Items Stolen From Illinois Residents
HB04716: Changes to Drivers Education Standards
For new dri ers under the age of 18, the type of driving instruction is going to change. The new education standard will be based on the national Novice Teen Driver Education and Training Administrative Standards. This replaces the current structure that required the State Board of Education and the Secretary of State to work together.
To see the complete list of new laws for 2023 in Illinois, click here.
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