Killer 3-Day Blizzard Pummels North Dakota, Leaves One Dead
It's Spring, but North Dakota's Mother Nature didn't get the message. According to the Bismarck Tribune, "Much of North Dakota remained shut down on Thursday as a slow-moving blizzard pounded the state...but the end of the record-breaking storm was in sight."
The National Weather Service says wind is now the big problem, up to 40 MPH blowing the new snow around. By tonight they say it should be much more calm and peaceful.
By this afternoon, the Minot North Dakota snow total hit 36''! A 73-year-old woman's death has been attributed to the blizzard, but thankfully, no other fatalities have been reported.
According to Minot Police reports, at 7:30 this morning the woman was found outside near the post office. The police say she wasn't dressed for the weather and may have been experiencing a mental health crisis.
The Heavy Wet Snow Causes Many Problems
Schools were closed, college classes were canceled, and the Minot Daily News reported I-94 and 29 saw long closures.
"The blizzard of 2022 ranks as one of the state’s most ferocious. Another memorable, three-day April blizzard in 1997 left two feet of snow in Bowman in southwestern North Dakota. Most of the Minot area had received 10-15 inches, although east of the city as much as 20 inches fell."
The Morton County Sheriff asked people to not venture out...plows were pulled this afternoon and the poor conditions, including 10-foot-drifts, made it too dangerous to leave home.
The Bismarck Tribune reported their ruck stops were full up.
Truck stops in Bismarck were at capacity with stranded truckers. More than 100 18-wheelers were at the Stamart Truck Stop in east Bismarck, with many of the truckers waiting three days for the storm to pass and roads to reopen.
25 Years Ago Last Week the Same Part of North Dakota Was Slammed By Snow
Not the First Time North Dakota Was Socked By 30'' of Snow
Big Storm In Iowa Remembered
It was 49 years last week Iowa was smacked hard with a major snowstorm.
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
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