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Red Wing, MN (KROC AM) -  The Rochester Fire Department was one of several public safety agencies that became involved in a prolonged incident involving an Amtrak train in Red Wing.

RFD’s Chemical Assessment Team responded to a request from local authorities around 3:00 pm Wednesday.

RFD photo
RFD photo

RFD says a “suspicious package” was found on the train. RFD says after the luggage was safely removed from the scene, CAT members assisted Red Wing fire crews in checking the entire train for any other possible hazards.

Nothing else was found and after spending six hours at the scene, the Rochester team was released.

KSTP-TV is reporting the Empire Builder train had scheduled stops in Minnesota and Wisconsin and an expected arrival time in Chicago of 11:00 pm Wednesday.

Agencies involved in the incident included:

St. Paul Bomb Squad, Red Wing Fire Department, Red Wing Police Department, Goodhue County Sheriff’s Department and the State Fire Marshal.

RFD says besides responding to Haz-Mat calls within its own jurisdiction, its CAT is contracted by the Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division to respond to hazardous materials emergencies within the 11 counties that make up southeastern Minnesota.

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