Watch a Crane Trying to Remove a Tree Fall on a Midwestern House
I want to state clearly that I am not a tree removal expert, but I'm pretty sure this isn't how it's supposed to work. A brand new video share shows a crane that was trying (remember that word) to remove a tree end up on top of a house.

If you read the Wikihow on 3 Ways to Remove a Tree, you'll notice these helpful tips:
1. Put on safety equipment
2. Clear the area around the tree
3. Figure out which way the tree will fall
Nowhere on the tree removal list will you see anything that predicts that the truck or tree removal crane will fall on the house.
With that in mind, Heather Parsons-Phillips shared this video to YouTube via Storyful this afternoon. It should have been titled "Tree Removal Guy, You Had One Job". No exact location or company was mentioned. All I know for a fact based on the title was that these are Hoosiers we're talking about here. Meanwhile, in Indiana...
We all have bad days. Whoever was in charge of anchoring that crane will likely be having more bad days dealing with insurance people and lawyers and perhaps unemployment benefits.
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