I was minding my own business, perusing through Facebook when I came across this photo

WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?! What's wrong with that poor deer?

Ok, first, let's talk about how someone found this deer. City Pages says that Julie Carrow, a photographer in Pipestone, was out taking senior photos for someone last week when this sad deer passed them. Of course she had to take some photos, but then she informed the Minnesota DNR.

Michelle Carstensen of the DNR told City Pages that "it's the worst case she's witnessed during her 15 years with the state wildlife health program." Those nasty lumps on the deer are called fibromas.

Credit: Julie Carrow
Credit: Julie Carrow

Fibromas is caused by the papillomavirus (HPV in humans).  It doesn't transmit to other animals or humans and it doesn't harm the meat, it just doesn't look pretty. And since it's so bad for this deer it makes it harder for him to move and see making him easy prey.

Michelle told City Pages that, "'It’s possible these will regress and he’ll survive this. But it's also possible he becomes an easy prey item in the meantime.'"

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