Every 6 months or so it's time to turn our clocks ahead or back depending on which time of year it is.  Spring forward, Fall back have been phrases we have heard all of our lives.  Could that be changing?  Could this be the last time we have to turn the clocks back an hour?

Honestly, I hope so.  Turn the clocks back one hour, which happens this coming weekend, November 6th, and then turn them ahead an hour this coming Spring; then never change them again.  There are a couple of states that never change their clocks.  Arizona is one of them, and the other is Hawaii.

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There have been 18 states that have been trying to pass legislation to keep Daylight Saving Time a constant.  That would mean that when we turn our clocks ahead in March, they would just stay there without the change back in November.  Minnesota is one of those states.

In some cases, even if the legislation passes, it won’t be able to take effect until its neighbors make the same move. In Iowa, for example, one of its pending bills says the state can’t leave daylight saving time until Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wisconsin enact similar legislation.

What is the benefit to having constant Daylight Saving Time?  The short answer is that it may help the economy.

 ...If you give workers daylight, when they leave their jobs, they are much more apt to stop and shop on their way home.”

The Department of Transportation now credits Daylight Saving Time with conserving energy, preventing crashes, and reducing crime. 

Some people argue that if we stay with Daylight Saving Time as a constant, the concern is school age children will have to be at the bus stop while it's still dark in the morning during the winter months.

Are you for or against the twice a year time change?

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