WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter these properties. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Looking at pictures or watching videos from within old, abandoned properties is always fascinating. I don't know if it's the eerie feeling you get or the wonder of all the weird things that were left behind that sucks me in, but either way, I can't get enough.

I recently went on a search for more pictures and videos of old, abandoned things in Ilinois when I came across this video featuring Rockford's Barber-Colman factory from XPLOR World on YouTube...

This video may highlight 10 different abandoned buildings in Illinois, but let's zero in on the one that caught my interest the most...the Barber Colman Factory in Rockford.

More Fun Facts About the Barber-Colman Campus in Rockford

The Barber Colman segment of the above video ends by mentioning that the City of Rockford purchased the campus in 2002 and was still looking for interested investors to redevelop it. Since then the Barber Colman Campus has undergone vast environmental assessment and cleanup, and in October of 2006 The Barber-Colman Campus was officially listed on the National Register of Historic Places and now appears to have a bright future ahead.

According to the City of Rockford's website;

On October 4, 2021, after sitting vacant for two decades, Rockford City Council approved the sale of the Barber Colman Campus for $500,000 to  J. Jeffers & Company.  The sale is subject to a 180-day due diligence period that was extended to December 1, 2022. The Milwaukee based development group specializes in the adaptive reuse of historical properties and intends to preserve the heritage of the campus.

The vision for the future of the Barber Colman Campus includes a mix of residential and commercial spaces that will be a fabulous addition to the Rockford community.

Want to peek inside more creepy abandoned buildings in Rockford? Here ya go...

After 30 Years of Abandonment, Here's What Church School in Rockford Looks Like Today

42 Terrifying Photos Inside the Former Rock River Elementary School in Rockford, Illinois



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