What Do People Hate About Iowa Drivers?
Iowa is home to many fantastic, smart, funny, and kind people. Do you need to borrow a shovel from your neighbor? You can likely count on an Iowan to help you out. Do you need help jumping a car if your battery has died? An Iowan has your back and will help get your car started. There are many fabulous things about the people who live in Iowa. We gotta talk about Iowan's driving habits...
*Sarcasm Warning Proceed With Caution*
Slowest Drivers In The Country
I'm not sure if it's a combination of Iowans being too kind on the roadways, worried about speeding cameras, or what but I swear we drive at the slowest pace in the entire country. I'm definitely guilty of this. I'm one of those drivers that might go 1 or 2 over the speed limit.
The issue is when I'm driving on 380 at what the posted speed limit sign is, I'm constantly passing cars going 10-15 mph under. Maybe Iowans just aren't in a hurry to get anywhere, which is a good thing but 10 mph under the speed limit is crazy.
4 Way Stop Signs
Why is it that if you ever come to a 4 way stop sign that has a bunch of cars around it, everyone seems to panic? Are Iowans just too nice and don't want to make other drivers mad by going out of turn? If you come to a busy 4 way stop in Iowa be prepared to have someone wave you through, even if you know it's not your turn to move.
Don't wave someone through and mess up the flow of traffic. You might be trying to be nice but when it's your turn...just go.
Whether you like or dislike roundabouts popping up all over the state of Iowa is a different argument for a different day. I'm a fan of roundabouts as they help prevent having to sit at red lights. Whether you like them or not doesn't really matter. What matters is they are here to stay and Iowans need to learn how to use them correctly.
When entering a roundabout, if there is not a car to your left, enter the roundabout and proceed with your day. Also, don't stop at the roundabout. If you happen to miss your exit, just drive around again and hit your exit on your second try.
Very rarely will there be a reason for you to fully stop your car while in a roundabout. I know you know how to use a roundabout correctly, this video is for anyone who may need some extra instruction. The city of Davenport is here to help.
There's only 1 state in America that might be worse with blinkers than Iowa and that's Florida. I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure in Florida, they think blinkers are optional. Iowa isn't far behind.
The lack of blinker use in Iowa has been discussed many times over the years and I'll I have to say is that it's completely justified. Iowa could make a ton of money if they enforced this traffic law.
Have you ever been driving along the highway or interstate and had to slow down to about 25 mph because there's a tractor driving down the road taking up half of a lane of traffic? Personally, this doesn't bother me very much. I know they have places to go so I always slow down and wait until I can go around them safely.
People from other states might not be aware of how common this is in Iowa and I just wanted to point out that visitors who aren't from Iowa might be surprised how often they go from 60 mph to 25 because of a tractor driving on the roadway.
Are there any I missed? What are some things you can't stand about drivers in Iowa? Let your frustrations be heard in the comments!
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